
What is “Plussing”?

Short Summary

What is “Plussing”?

Making an idea or more broadly, making something better is Plussing“.

When an idea is presented in a person-to-person conversation or in a group, the human brain immediately find flaws or weaknesses in that idea. And when those flaws are pointed out, the proponent of the idea gets severely demoralised and the creative process gets derailed. This is usually called “Giving feedback“. The “Sandwich Method” that we typically use to give feedback does not work as well, because everyone knows that after a compliment a criticism in coming. ?? Due to this most feedback sessions end up with negative emotions for the recipients.

How to “Plus”?

Instead of giving a generic piece of feedback to the presenter, we should spot one or at most 2 flaws in an idea, apply our own experience/expertise to figure out how to make it better or what could be done to strengthen that idea, and suggest those as improvements. For e.g instead of saying “That won’t work it is too expensive” we can “Plus ” it by saying “Instead of hiring a full-time employee, can we sub-contract a part of this work?

This concept of Plussing can be applied in many contexts – when reviewing projects, presentations, ideas, stories, performance review discussions. In other words, whenever we are in a context where we have to give our reactions, we can use Plussing.

We, in Tiny Magiq, have been teaching Plussing to our mentees for over 5 years and it creates behavior transformation much more effectively than any other feedback technique.

What do I do if can’t Plus the idea? It is simple “SHUT UP” or do a CQA around the idea.

A longer version

Transforming Criticizers into Creators – Extracted from a superb blog post by Daniel Gogek

The criticism at meetings like these can be brutal, and this is where Plussing has played a game-changing role at Pixar. Rather than randomly critique a sketch or shoot down an idea, the general guideline is that you may only criticize an idea if you also add a constructive suggestion. Hence the name plussing

Suppose for example a team were now working on Toy Story 4. They’re reviewing a draft scene where Woody is the main character in an action scene. One animator has just created the scene. Instead of a colleague giving feedback like, “but that’s all wrong! … Woody shouldn’t look like that here …” , the practice is to say something like: “okay … what if you now make Woody’s expression here even more … ”. 

To achieve this kind of positive practice, Plussing can be summarized as three basic rules:

Rule 1: ‘Accept All Offers’

In a Word: Listen! 

Rule 2: ‘Make Your Partner Look Good’ 

Rule 3: Structure the Debate 

If you create a practice of Plussing, dialogue becomes more like a structured debate that’s both serious and yet constructive. The goal is to critically review existing work, often rigorously, and to generate new ideas that build further and create something better.

Original Source here

HiPoHA Standup Meeting (HSM)

Conduct a HSM

What is HSM ?

HiPoHa Standup Meeting ( HSM ) is similar to a huddle. In many sports like (American) football and rugby, the team huddles before each play. The huddle is strategic: it keeps the team informed, connected, and calibrated throughout the game.

In the HiPoHa world, this is for all team to get a sense for what is working and what is not working. If time permits discuss possibilities to handle blockers

When to execute a HSM ?

It is one of the easiest things to do in the HiPoHA world.

Frequency : It should be done once a week. Setup a recurring calendar HSM weekly for 15 minutes across all the Pod/Squad members.

Duration: 15 min (Resist the temptation to extend the meeting under any circumstances. if you do the Tiny Demon will derail this meeting. )

How to execute a HSM MVP?

  1. Attendee list: Make a note of who attended / who missed. More absentees means there is a blocker already by default.
  2. Boosters: Boosters are positive experiences (happy moments, insights gained, learnings, appreciations received, recognitions received) that came from applying the HiPoHa fractals. If there are no boosters, some of you can express gratitude by mentioning a specific thing that a team member did for the team’s benefit.
  3. Blockers: Please request team members to share any blockers from the last 1 week that is affecting their ability to practice the HiPoHa fractals and journal them. Please be open-minded to acknowledge the blockers however trivial it may seem and do CQAs to understand the blocker better so that we can remove it easily.
  4. Journal: Lastly, it is very important to journal it in the Magiqspark app (this is a team journal and only one from the pod/squad need to journal this. please take turns to do this journal so that everyone gets an opportunity to journal this meeting):
    • Journals are a direct portal to our subconscious mind. The more we journal, more our subconscious mind picks up the signal and accelerates the change internally.
    • Others who have experienced similar blockers can help you and your team’s boosters can help others who have blockers.
    • Mentors can look at the blockers and make some suggestions from their experiences.
    • It also can be a reference at a future date.

How the journal looks in Magiq Spark?