Tiny Grit

Doing a Dojo

What is a dojo?

It’s a meeting place where the pod/ team members.  They understand, plan and execute their business outcomes/objectives

How do I convene a dojo?

The pod lead chooses a date and time of the meeting, as mutually agreed to by all across the pod & blocks the calendar for the upcoming weeks

What needs to be done during a dojo?

  • Pick a function/ problem from Measurable Anchor phenomena [MAP] /business Objective.
  • Do a Customer Journey map on how to do a Customer Journey map and identify the Trim tab step.
  • List out the Possibilities with the help of the Possibility filter tool for which the MVP needs to be executed.
  • From the above chosen possibility, identify and designate person/ teams for executing the MVP within 2 weeks.

Journal the dojo in the app- choose DCJ 

As soon as the dojo is done, has to be journaled in the Magiq Spark app

Tips for a successful dojo.

  • Do it within 60 minutes
  • Decide on the Customer journey in advance.
  •  Clarity of MVP-. who, how, what & by when to be decided in the dojo itself.
  • Journal in the app immediately at the end of each dojo

Fractals General


Different Simple Fractals

Fractals is the best invention of nature. There are fractals all around us.

A Fractal is a simple pattern which when repeatedly applied takes a complex structure that in turn handles many complexities. The good news is that learning simple pattern usually takes less than 1 hour. For Example if you see the above patterns a simple shape like Triangle or square when repeatedly applied creates intricate patterns. Watch the 2 videos below to understand more about fractals.

In HiPoHa inspired by this concept from nature we have created fractals which can help us become high performers.

The list of fractals are listed below.

Glossary Of Fractals

CQA Curiosity Question AskedHelps detect unknown signals, which in turn lead to “Bottom Of Iceberg” opportunities. To discover bottom of the iceberg needs of the customers we need to be able to pick up important signals. But these signals will only be generated by asking questions in a particular manner. This method addresses that need. 
TG Tiny GritHelps build consistency
TT Tiny TrustHelp increase influence
UPSA Unusual Problem Solution AchievementA simple storytelling technique which helps us influence to make change management easier. A sure-fire method to pitch an idea or a possibility or a solution, which  woos   the audience over to the presenters’ side [be it an individual,  a team or a customer] and gain their support and perspective.
XFD – Transformative(XF) DelegationUsing delegation as a method to transform teams. A method of delegation which not just reduces the workload of the person delegating the work but enhances the output produced leveraging the individual’s creativity and ownership 
V&V Views & ViewpointsHelps generate multiple perspectives to any given scenario and situation, which in turn leads to better and multiple possibilities for solutions. Shifts attention and focus from being stuck to either one scenario or solution to a world of possibilities.
Transformative Collaboration 
Transports awareness to a Transformative experience to ALL the players in a collaborative environment, from a state of  of merely getting the work done, for the sake of it.  Has a wide range applicability in any form of collaboration, be it inter or intra teams with peers, senior stakeholders, intra or inter other departmental  and /or with customers.  
Performance Undersupply 
A unique way of unravelling customer delight, as opposed to merely   providing customer satisfaction, be it in services or products.  A methodology which helps discover opportunities that are either unstated nor visible, and are aplenty.  They are usually the hidden gems which leads to Customer delight.   
Digital Dipstick Solution 
Is a Digital Transformation   tool, deployed to identify the best digital dot [options] that could be deployed for any given scenario, within the limited constraints of time and resources. 
Tiny Grit ® 
Building consistency 
Many of us do good things but doing it consistently is always a challenge. And to do something consistently we need to be persistent. Any transformation requires persistent effort to make the shift. There is a method to build the persistence muscle in our brains. Tiny Grit helps one reach there
While working in a collaborative environment, providing feedback is a given. Plussing, always focusses on improving the ‘what is. Conventional feedback methods merely reflect what works and what doesn’t. Plussing, on the contrary, drives the mind to give feedback on how to make it better. ‘Is there a better way?’ Is always the plussing approach.  
MVP Loop 
Minimum Viable Product Loop 
 MVP loop is all about giving life to an idea. Emphasizes is always on getting results and not to merely keep ideating.  Makes things happen in quick and short cycles, is the philosophy of the MVP approach. Guiding the limited resources available into actions, so that   results happen within 3 weeks.  Given that there is always a constraint of resources, .this method helps design outcomes within ANY available budget and time 
Traffic Light Model. 
As the name suggests, this has application wherever categorization is required. Interestingly this can have a wide application be it in decision making, optimization of resources, levels of complexity, classifying degrees of importance etc. Decisions can be made quickly once categorization based on Traffic Lights is done.  

Fractal – Simple

Fractals – Advanced

HiPoHA Standup Meeting (HSM) Tiny Grit

what is HiPoHa Stand-up Meeting

Tiny Grit

What is a Poka Yoke?

CQA Success Stories / Happy Moments

Curiosity helped resolve customer complaints faster

CQA Success Stories / Happy Moments

Caffeine combined with curiosity helped me maintain Confidentiality