Fault mode Minimum Viable Product Loop (MVPL)

TMT 47 Failcamp with Kumaran Anandan – Top 2 failings from Kumaran as the CTO of Tiny Magiq

On the 5th anniversary of Tiny Magiq, Kumaran wanted to share his Top 2 failings as the CTO of Tiny Magiq.

False comparison - Reference point bias

TMT 43 Focus by Heidi Grant Halvorson & E Tory Higgins

False comparison - Reference point bias Imbuing Happiness

TMT42 Silver Medal Syndrome by Seinfeld & Laurie Santos

Why do we constantly compare in a way that makes us unhappy.

External locus control Zoom in pivot

TMT 33 Locus of Control by Julian Rotter


TMT 32 Uncertainty Barometer

Fault mode Shrinking the change

TMT28 Switch by Chip & Dan Heath Part 3

The methodology described by the Heath brothers in their book Switch is one of our favorites at Tiny Magiq. Please watch the 3 episodes 26, 27 and 28 to understand the entire method.

Change Initiatives Negativity bias Traffic Light Model

TMT 26 Switch by Chip & Dan Heath – How to do effective change management?

The methodology described by the Heath brothers in their book Switch is one of our favorites at Tiny Magiq. Please watch the 3 episodes 26, 27 and 28 to understand the entire method.

Act Like God Anti-Fractal Breakthrough Innovation

TMT 25 Asimov’s Axiom – the biggest reason for not starting with ideas?

Asimov said that We disapprove Creativity though we want creative ideas. This is the biggest reason why we shouldn’t start our transformation projects with ideas.

Blind spot General Limiting Beliefs

TMT 2 Think Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman ~ 2.5K views on FB Live

Covering Daniel Kahneman’s book Think Fast and Slow. Errata – blue pill saves patients and red pill kills patients. I had said kills for both red and blue pills by mistake. Sorry about that.