Bottom of the Iceberg CQA Digital Transformation Performance Over Supply PUX Zoom in pivot

TMTX Zen and the Art of Digital Transformation

6th edition of the TMTX Digital Transformation newsletter. Today I cover 2 of my favourite zen stories – headlights and monks & combs. I have connected the first one to digital transformation. I have left the second one as a puzzle to solve – how does the 2nd story of monks and combs connect to digital transformation. Please chime away in the comments section

Breakthrough Innovation CQA Digital Transformation Disruptive Innovation Knowing the Unknowns Tiny Grit

TMTX Digital Dispstick 5As Anomaly

Digital Dipstick and the 5As is a technique we have developed for spotting digital transformation opportunities. In this video, we cover the third of the 5As – the Anomaly fractal.

Architecture UPSA

Sat Arch Ep 31: A Story telling Architect ?

Kumaran – Give a quick overview of story stelling specifically for architects. Why? How can a story be told in 2-3 mins? Storifying the data

Deepak – How can you build “What’s In it For Me” is the Zeitgeist, the architect needs to leverage storytelling to make that happen. How to tap feeling to make a good story?

Nishanth – Share his insights on challenges an architect or a technologist faces when presenting to the audience. How can we talk about EBITA/Profitability to a fresher?

Barriers to innovation Limiting Beliefs

TMT 59 Root Cause of Limiting Beliefs

Our limiting beliefs prevent us from doing the high importance low urgency tasks (which we call Green Zone tasks). What is the root cause of these limiting beliefs?

Connect the Dots CQA General Product mind set / Product thinking Systems Thinking

Steve Jobs Connecting the Dots Cutback Version with Annotations

This is an extract from arguably one of the most important speeches ever given by a business leader – Steve Jobs’ commencement address at Stanford June 2005. I have extracted the connecting the dots principle that he outlines with annotations for the viewer’s benefit. – Sukumar Rajagopal


Procrastination Judo

Procrastination is a problem for most of us. Are there situations in our lives where we can use procrastination to our advantage. We call this Procrastination Judo.


What are Green Zone Tasks

Our research shows that we are unable to do certain types of tasks (what we call green zone tasks) consistently. And that is what is standing between us and transformation. Now what are these green zone tasks?

TMT 58 Persistent Priming – why do group journaling?

Doing the High Importance Low Urgency Tasks (we call them Green Zone tasks) consistently is the biggest problem facing all of us. We have come up with a new way we call Persistent Priming to help us with doing the green zone tasks. We think that group journaling is a key way to make the prime persistent. We call it WIGJAIBA – what I group journal about I bring about

Architecture Process Program Execution Responsibility mode Traffic Light Model

Sat Arch Ep 29: Process Mgmt and architecture

Aligning the process of product/software development is tightly coupled with the architecture that is being built as well. We will look at how an architect can help the program/project manager customize the process for the architecture being implemented

Venkat talks about inducting new members and handling the challenges in getting them up to speed. Even though the process is “Agile” meeting biz requirements is hard. Also talks about how the business stakeholders and ask for last-minute requirements. The challenges faced in implementing it and aligning architecture to meet business needs

Deepak talks about handling the above needs. He talks about aligning architecture needs and requirements with Red/Yellow/Green team members. Making the best use of skills and talent. He also explains how an architect can lead by culture change and not process change. This can happen by accountability setting using quality as deliverable. Also, Deepak gives tips on avoiding a clash with program/project manager
Watch this section alone:

Handling Reds
– socializing session with business and IT teams
– ease-out with personal interactions
– avoid day to day interactions
– creating opportunities for empathizing, acknowledging their skills

Handling Yellows
– identify them clearly
– training them
– tracking closely
Watch this section alone:

Digital Transformation

TMT 57 Flipped Proposal – how to accelerate sales during the covid crisis & beyond?

Flipped Proposal is a new innovation that we have created at Tiny Magiq for transforming the Enterprise Sales process.